My interest in Music started with a very early training: violine,
orchestra and singing.
I became a Phoniatrician in 1979 and worked first at the University Hospital of Besançon under Prof. JC Lafon, 1978–1995; then finally I set up a Private Voice Clinic in Paris in 1982 around a Grand Piano and a Videostrobolaryngoscope. Concerts with orchestras, Solo Recitals, Medical Lectures and Workshops in Voice Training in Europe and America, at the same time.
General Secretary of the «SOCIETE FRANCAISE DE PHONIATRIE ET DES PATHOLOGIES DE LA COMMUNICATION» 1981–2006; Member of the Voice Committee of IALP (chairman M. Hirano) 1986-1998. Member of the French Association of Singing Teachers, AFPC, 1990–2005; Member of the PEVOC Advisory Committee since 1995; Hosting CoMeT Meeting in Paris, 1997; Interactive Videostrobolaryngoscopy Workshops during the Course of Micro-Phono-Surgery in Lyon since 1984. (Drs M Bouchayer, G Cornut, AR Perouse, B Coulombeau).