Vocal development in children

Annerose Keilmann

The ability to control voice production through audition is available from the 28th to 32nd week of gestation on. Newborns recall their mother’s voice. After birth the ability to control their own voice is also developing. This is a prerequisite for normal and trained voice production.
The development of voice is influenced by genetic predisposition, general health,nutrition,and vocal training of the speaking and the singing voice. Singing ability depends on the process of realizing vocal capability into vocal ability.
The architecture of voice-related anatomy is already formed during prenatal gestation, but there is still amniotic fluid within the larynx. After birth, the respiratory system, including the larynx and the vocal tract are filled with air and allow the production of air sound. Postnatal growth changes the anatomical proportions and leads to a longer maximal phonation time, a lower mean fundamental frequency of the speaking voice and lower low terminal pitch of the singing voice. The higher formants characteristic for young children change to the lower ones in adult men and women. Major changes occur during the pubertal growth spurt.

Prof. Dr. med. Annerose Keilmann