Rehabilitation of voice function of the patients suffered from with respiratory papillomatosis

Z.M. Ashurov , E.V. Osipenko, D.M. Mustafaev, F.A. Alushov, I.A. Mihalevskaya

The problem of papillomatosis of larynx (PL) has attracted the rapt attention of the otorhinolaryngologists in all over the world for a long time.
Purpose: the improvement of the methods of endolaryngeal microsurgery with the use of lasers (Ho:YAG - 2130 nm and ??? - 532 nm),antirecurrent therapy by «Pirogenal» and the ways of forecasting of current PL.
We have examined 54 patients (m="33" (61,1 %) and f ="21" (38,9 %)) since 2004 to 2007. We have chosen 2 groups of the patients: I group n = 28 (51,85 %) - the papillomas of larynx were ablated by the instrumental way; II group n = 26 (48,15 %) with PL they were operated with the help of endolaryngeal microsurgery with the use and influence of radiation of two surgical lasers on papillomas. Every day during postoperative period voice therapy and respiratory gymnastics were carried out for all patients. On the basis of the computer acoustic analysis of the voice we can make a conclusion about the essential oppression of the voice function among 100 % of the patients with PL. 78,1 % of the patients were recovered of their voice after the treatment, improvement was typical among 18,8 % there were not any changes in the voice function among 3,1 %.
Conclusion: the developed technique of endolaryngeal microsurgery with the use of ??:YAG and ???lasers in the treatment of RP allows to improve voice function in comparison with instrumental methods manifestative in statistically authentic improvement of the given acoustic parameters of the voice.

Z.M. Ashurov, E.V. Osipenko, D.M. Mustafaev, F.A. Alushov, I.A. Mihalevskaya

Moscow, Russia
125040 Moscow
Leningradsky prospekt 1-100
Ekaterina Osipenko
Mob. +7-901-541-49-59
F. +7-(495) -257-69-56