Stage Fright
Geert Berghs
Drawing from stories of many colleagues and pupils as from my own experiences, I will describe some manifestations of stage fright: the anxious feelings a singer experiences before the curtain call, and their physical appearances.
These manifestations can be divided in three main types:
In the excitement type the person seems to prepare himself for an explosion of power, as if he wants to attack. He tenses his muscles and is inclined to inhalation rather than exhalation, with tight stomach muscles. Of course these turbulent feelings of getting wild are inconvenient in the refined work of singing an aria.
When feeling paralysed by a nearing stage presentation, one resembles the wounded animal that seeks to hide. Singers experience a shallow inhalation with a weak belly and a collapsed chest. And in the mean time the house is filling up.
The third manifestation of stage fright I will mention is de-realization: one is cut off from fear and body awareness is decreased. The singer sees himself entering the stage without the feeling of actually being there. It is like an animal losing his body awareness while being eaten.
Through adequate preparation, developed skill and positive stage experiences outstanding results can be achieved without being hampered by stage fright, a phenomenon known by almost all performers.
Furthermore a musical tone being produced has an organizing effect on both the listener and the performer: singing is a fright soothing activity.
Geert Berghs, singer, singing teacher, MD, PhD
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