Voice Workshop- I want to hear you! a physical approach to the theatre voice
Alex Boon
Physical manipulation directly and concretely influences the way in which sound is produced. Manipulation - whether it is applied subtly or with force, anywhere on the body - affects the voice. In this way new material emerges, and with it a new perception.
Sounds are elaborated further, whereby the range of sounds continually expands. Additionally the resulting breath movement is more consciously recognized and applied. The voice is confronted with space, material (objects, walls, persons) and continues to take on more context.
The context in turn influences the configuration and calls for a new set-up - the actor’s dynamic changes. The work and/or the sound compels the actor to change his habits.
The actor is confronted with bygone, silent, censured sounds and learns to rehear and use them, regardless of the norm or judgement that holds for these sounds. ‘Good’ or ‘bad’ makes way for a subjective valuation. Personal traits become visible and usable, and emotions become tangible and manageable. Everything that restrains a sound and everything that develops the voice becomes a relevant and conscious choice.
Physical work with the voice results in an experimenting, searching, creative and multi-faceted actor with depth and presence.
The actor’s mental skills allow him to register, observe and monitor the process, and to adequately apply his knowledge and make relevant choices - in short, he is in a position to take responsibility.
Alex Boon, speech therapist and voice teacher
Rond Je Stem te Den Haag
Schipperstraat 33
2584 VM Den Haag
The Netherlands
+31 (0)70 30 60 840