Philippe Henri Dejonckere
Philippe Henri Dejonckere (1949)
University degrees
MD 1973 : University of Louvain, Belgium.
Diploma in Sexological Sciences : University of Louvain.
M.Sc. Occupational Medicine University of Louvain.
Diploma of Medical Specialist in Oto-Rhino-Laryngology, University of Louvain.
Diploma of Statistical Sciences, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris VI.
Ph. D. (Agrégé), University of Louvain.
Diploma of Medical Specialist in Rehabilitation.
M.Sc. Forensic Medicine, University of Liège.
Final diploma Conservatory of Leuven, 1971. Laureate Medal Belgian Government.
Paul Guns Prize 1975 ; van Lawrence Award 1997 ; Knight & Officer in the Order of the Belgian Crown; Knight & Officer in the Order of King Leopold ; Marie Curie Award 2006 ; Lt Col (R) Belgian Army.
Past president of Collegium Medicorum Theatri and of Dutch Society of Voice, Speech & Language Pathology.
Distinguished Member of the Dutch Society of Logopedics and Phoniatrics and of the Austrian Voice Institute.
Current position
Full Professor University of Utrecht, in charge of Master Programme Speech, Hearing & Swallowing Sciences ().
General Coordinator of the Scientific Council, Institute of Occupational Diseases, Federal Government, Brussels.
Visiting professor Université de Lille (F)
Guest Professor, Catholic University of Leuven (B).
Chairman COST-Action (EU) 2103.
Member editorial board of 11 scientific journals.
Professional addresses :
ORL-Phoniatrics, Utrecht University, A.Z.U. F.02.504, 85500, Nl- 3508 GA Utrecht, Netherlands.
Institute of Occupational Diseases. Avenue de l’Astronomie, 1,
B-1210 Bruxelles, Belgium
7 books ;136 articles in international peer-reviewed journals ; 65 chapters in books ; 386 various publications.