Borg Diem Groeneveld

Borg Diem Groeneveld
Drs Borg Diem Groeneveld was trained in andragology. He also studied ‘Zen-arts’ with Michael Vetter, who taught him about the technique of overtone singing and free improvisation. In the interim, he spent two years studying as a school music teacher at the Hilversum Conservatory. He attended a breath course taught by Franz-Peter Menge and studied the relationship between breath and the voice with Maria Höller (Atem, Tonus and Ton workshops). Both teachers were trained by Ilse Middendorf (The Experience of Breath). Borg Diem also studied eutony at the Gerda Alexander Schule in Offenburg.
In 1988, he began giving overtone concerts. 1993 saw the release of 'Voice and Overtones’ (Stem en Boventonen), a book of exercises, sound meditations and improvisations. In 1997, he released his first CD.
Over the course of his studies and work, Borg Diem developed a series of workshops and a four-year study programme entitled 'Breath, Voice and Overtones’ He also runs a practice for breath and voice therapy.
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