Jürgen Wendler
* Dresden 1930. ENT and phoniatrics (in Halle with Pfau, in Prague with Seeman), 1969-1995 Head Phoniatric Dept. Charité Berlin, Sen. Res. Fellow Univ. of Florida, Gainesville. Ca. 300 publications (mainly on voice); sen. author "Lehrbuch der Phoniatrie und Pädaudiologie, Thieme, 4rd ed. 2005, coauthor to W. Seidner "Die Sängerstimme", Henschel, 4th ed. 2004, lectures around the globe. Secretary General UEP 1983-92, Chairman IFOS Committee on Phoniatrics and Voice Care 1985-97, Counsellor to IFOS, Founding Member World Voice Consortium, Member CoMeT.