Approaching Surveillance of Voice Hazards in Workplaces: A Proposal of Method


Nowadays phoniatricians and ENTs apply extremely high-specialized protocols in assessing voice parameters as well as voice diseases.
In work health medicine is not always possible to apply such complex protocols, because of a great variability in places of evaluation, numbers of people and time to visit them.
Using, as a comparison, what happened in noise related hearing loss in last decades, the proposal tries to put up a method which might “translate” phoniatrics protocols in work-health ones and viceversa.
Of course the method must also assure “fitness” to different professional voice requirements.
This presentation is intended indeed to suggest a discussion between participants which will listen to it, to make the method more and more “conclusive”

Dr. Orietta CALCINONI,
ENT, Phoniatrician
INAIL, Italian National Insurance for Work Accidents and Work-related Diseases
Centro Polidiagnostico Regionale per la Lombardia
Corso di Porta Nuova 19
20121 Milano
fax +390262586009 cell phone +393482247244