Reaching Performance Potential and Going Beyond

Meribeth Dayme

Incorporating techniques derived from timeless arts practices such as QiGong, Tai Chi, Western healing methods, and IQM (Integrative Quantum Medicine™), Meribeth Dayme has created a revolutionary way to educate today’s vocal artists for going beyond their potential and achieving compelling performance. Well known for her fascinating master classes and books on singing, Meribeth has spent many years teaching and performing, studying Alexander technique, anatomy, dance and movement, a variety of healing systems, and is a student and practitioner of IQM, a form of energy medicine. She is now bringing these skills to the vocal arts community.
These seminars are highly experiential and empowering. They aim to give participants ways to govern their own learning, develop self-confidence, conquer performance anxiety, and return to them the personal and creative power that have been diminished or lost due to faulty perceptions, outdated teaching methods, or lack of inner direction. Xen-Zen Techniques™ allow students and professionals in the vocal arts a chance to consider new choices available to them for achieving peak performance.

Xen-Zen (pronounced: shen-zen) Techniques™ include:
Exercises that:

Dr. Meribeth Dayme, Ph.D, FRSA, Director of the Alchemy Programmes, is a personal performance coach in the arts and business, a practitioner of the healing arts, a singer and author. She has created Xen-Zen Techniques™ for business and the arts to encourage clients to be healthy, centred, creative, and confident in their performance. Xen-Zen Techniques™ incorporate over thirty years of teaching, coaching, and study of the healing arts with methods gained from being a student and practitioner of Integrative Quantum Medicine™. A former university professor of singing and anatomy, an experienced business coach, seminar leader, and public speaker, her books include: Creating Confidence, Dynamics of the Singing Voice, The Singing Book, and The Performer’s Voice.

Meribeth Dayme, PhD
Director, The Alchemy Programmes
443 Stroude Road
Virginia Water, Surrey GU25 4BU UK
Phone:44-(0)1344 849059 Phone: 33-(0)450 64 94 09