Influence of osteopathic techniques on acoustic voice parameters.

Decoster, W.,
Pauwels, J., Braeken, K., Uytterhoeven, K., Boon, A.

For this study two main ideas are combined: “Osteopathy is based on function” and “The body is a unit”. As the throat is an area where the psyche and the soma are clearly interwoven, vocal function is pre-eminently a research area of interest within a close cooperation between the speech language pathologist and the osteopath.
Sixty five young (18-21 y.) non-pathologic, non-trained women received a placebo treatment or a set of osteopathic treatment techniques (articular and, mainly, soft tissue mobilization techniques to the head, neck and throat area) immediately preceded (test 1) and followed (test 2) by voice assessment, the latter one repeated (test 3) 8 weeks after the treatment. Vocal parameters about frequency, stability and variability were gathered by means of running speech tasks and the voice range profile. Statistical comparison between voice assessment 1-2, 2-3 and 1-3 for the treatment and placebo group reveals some remarkable differences: using the speaking voice, subjects from the placebo group stayed in their voice pattern, whereas the subjects from the treatment group were more prone to changes in their voice pattern. The results from the maximal voice capacities showed systematic more significant differences in the treatment group, compared to the placebo group. In the future, this research design could be applied to more age groups, both female and male subjects and pathologic voices. Mobilization and manipulation techniques could be used separately or combined.
The results of this preliminary research highlight the osteopathic indication in voice therapy and back up the multidisciplinary approach concerning the voice.

Decoster, W*, Pauwels, J.°, Braeken, K.*, Uytterhoeven, K.*, Boon, A°.
*Speech Language Pathology and Audiology
Labo ExpORL - dept. Neurosciences
Herestraat 49, O&N2, 721
B - 3000 Leuven
tel: +32 (0)16 33 04 84 fax: +32 (0)16 33 04 86

°Flanders International College of Osteopathy
Langestraat 37
B — 9150 Kruibeke
tel : +32 (0)3 774 24 22 fax : +32 (0)3 774 04 47