Study of the Mucosal Wave Correlate in non-Pathological Voice

R. Fernández-Baillo, P. Gómez

The mucosal wave found in vocal fold dynamics is a phenomenon widely described currently considered fundamental in voice production. Therefore, it may be said that the quality of the mucosal wave conditions the quality of voice production. The presence and appearance of mucosal wave is fundamental in the study of normal and pathologic voice. Therefore two principal groups are differentiated: those in which the mucosal wave is preserved (normal voice), and those showing an alteration in the amount and dynamics of mucosal wave from normal standards (pathological voice). Nevertheless the pattern of the mucosal wave is not always similar in all speakers. The present paper has studied the variability observed in the profile of the mucosal wave for subjects with normal voice. Clinically the only possible way to carry out this evaluation is by a stroboscopic exploration. This work shows a method based on the inverse filtering of the voice signal from which mucosal wave correlate (MWC) is estimated. The MWC is a signal directly related with the wave phenomenon observed during a stroboscopic image capture. Preliminary results were obtained using records from 40 subjects with normal voice, 20 male and 20 female. The results obtained from the analysis of the different patterns and profiles of the mucosal wave observed in the normal voice group are shown. The parameters which allow describing normality-condition profiles described and evaluated.

Key words: Mucosal wave, pathology detection, vocal fold dynamics, voice quality

R. Fernández-Baillo1, P. Gómez1.
Laboratorio de Comunicación Oral.
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid,
Campus de Montegancedo,
s/n 28660 Boadilla del Monte,

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