Specific acoustical properties of voice anD dynamical properties of vocal folds in patients with unilateral recurrens NERVE paresis and effect of thyroplasty operation
Fric M., ram F., vec J., Cechová H.
In this study, 48 patients with symptomatic unilateral recurrent nerve paresis, and 21 patients after thyroplasty operation were evaluated for acoustical properties (GRBAS scale and voice range profile); and dynamical properties of vocal folds, evaluated by sheet for vidokymography (by vec). Results indicate main differences in videokymographical presentations between paretic and non-paretic vocal fold before operation; and differences in voice ranges profiles before and after operation. Presentation of paretic folds was in shorter mucosal wave propagation and smoother transition from opening to closing than in non-paretic folds. There occurred correlations between acoustical and videokymographical properties. The effect of thyroplasty operation was in acoustical properties (enlarging of voice range profile area and frequency range, lowering of voice breathiness and asthenicity) and in dynamical properties in videokymography (raising of closed and speed quotient, decreasing of phase shift between vocal folds and sharpening transition from opening to closing of both paretic and non-paretic vocal folds). Videokymography is useful tool for evaluation of effect of thyroplasty operation in larynx.
Fric M. 1,2), ram F. 3), vec J.3,4), Cechová H.2)
1)Musical Acoustics Research Centre (MARC) Prague
2)Centre for Communication, Physical and Alternative Medicine
3)Medical Healthcom Ltd., Centre for Communication Disorders, Prague
4)Groningen Voice Research Lab, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Groningen, the Netherlands
marekfric@centrum.cz, Malostranké námestí 12, Prague, Czech Republic, phone: +420776130263