Disturbances of Speech and Prosody in case of a 15-Years old boy with Asperger's Syndrome. The Effects of Voice Rehabilitation
Malgorzata Malicka, Ewa Niebudek-Bogusz, Bogumila Feret, Danuta Gryczynska
The authors present the case of Asperger’s Syndrome in a 15 —years old boy ( K.M.) The aim of the study was to analyse the speech and language impediment typical for Asperger’s Syndrome and to evaluate the rehabilitation of voice.
The authors also present the discussion of psychological examination in relation to the diagnostic criteria.
Methods of the study: laryngological and phoniatrical examinations, acoustic analyses of voice using the acoustic analysis program —IRIS with microphone and sound card AVACS SOUND MAN CMI 878 SX.
The psychological examination : interview, Wechsler Scale, RIBS and Goodenaugh- Harris Tests.
Results: Typical Asperger’s Syndrome features were observed, such as body build and behaviour, disturbances of speech and prosody of voice, squeaky voice, without intonation. The results of acoustic analyses before rehabilitation : Fomed 582,38 Pitch-Intensity Contour of sustained vowel “a”: Pitch- Fmin. 419,31; Fmax. 652,73; Intensity : Amin. 53,65; Amax. 66,27, after rehabilitation : Fomed 107,2, Fmin. 107,86; Fmax. 126,84; Amin. 55,62; Amax. 64,34
Psychological evaluation: Intellectual development IQ = 105 but with disharmonic profile, disturbances of understanding the social standards and sense and the meaning of words and sentences, inability to establish contacts with peers, above-average arithmetic thinking, the sense of non-adjustment and low self-esteem.
Conclusions: Making the right diagnosis of syndrome is difficult and demands both: psychological and psychiatric consultations.
The authors emphasise the necessity of undertaking voice rehabilitation, and the effects gained will make it possible for the patient to function better in the society and in the immediate environment.Effectiveness of manual rehabilitation in normalization of voice pitch was demonstrated
Malgorzata Malicka1, Ewa Niebudek — Bogusz2, Bogumila Feret1, Danuta Gryczynska1 1Medical University Departament of Peddiatric Otorhinolaryngology
91 — 738 Lodz, Sporna 36 / 50, tel / fax 048 42 6177720
Head: Prof. Danuta Gryczynska M. D., Ph. D.
2Occupational Medical Institiute
Nofer Institiute of Occupational Medicine
91 — 348 Lodz, Sw. Teresy 8
Departament of Audiology and Foniatry
Head: Prof. Mariola Sliwinska — Kowalska M. D., Ph. D.