P.G.C. Kooijman, F.I.C.R.S. de Jong, G. Thomas, K. Graamans
It is generally accepted that voice capacity decreases with age. This will be more pronounced in voice loading profession, leading to occupational dysphonia. The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of the number of teaching years, expected to correlate with age, on the level of voice handicap and absenteeism of work due to the voice problems, and the possible shift of the risk factors of the voice complaints. Questionnaires were distributed among teachers of primary and secondary education and the answers were analysed. The questionnaire was designed in such a way that personal, voice load, physical, psycho-emotional and environmental aspects of voice and voice problems were included. The Voice Handicap Index according to Jacobson et al. was sent along with the questionnaire. No evident increase of voice complaints during the career of the teachers was observed. However, teachers with a longer career complaint more about physical and psycho-emotional aspects than teachers in the beginning of their career.
Author’s address:
Piet G.C. Kooijman
University Medical Centre StRadboud
Department ENT — 383
Postbox 9101
6500 HB Nijmegen
The Netherlands
Tel: 00 31 24 3610426 Fax: 00 31 24 3617715
E-mail: P.Kooijman@kno.umcn.nl