Voice Classification by Phonetography : the Why and the How

Hugo Lycke

A step-by-step procedure of phonetographic analysis of 8 specific items can lead to the elaboration of an age-related and gender-specific pattern card of the human voice, offering a referential database which enables a basic voice classification of any subject. The following topics are discussed in this workshop:
1. Introduction: Subject classification and voice classification in voice research and the need for a basic classification for every human voice.
2. Methodology of voice classification by phonetographic analysis.
3. Workshop participants are invited to cooperate in practical classifying female and male voices.
4. Discussion: Application of voice classification in voice education and in voice therapy.

Drs. Hugo LYCKE
Affiliatie : KULeuven (België)
Adres : Edelarendries 74, 9820 Merelbeke (België)
e-mail adres : hugolycke@hotmail.com
Tel. : 00/32/ 9 3625674