Does Voice Classification by Phonetographic Analysis remains consistent over the Years?

Hugo Lycke

Human voice is highly versatile. Longitudinal phonetograms give ample proof of this phenomenon. The aim of the study was to examine to what extent voice classification by phonetographic analysis remains consistent over the years. Addidtionally, whether longitudinal phonetographic results also reflect age-bound maturation and deterioration was investigated. From 69 subjects, 25 males and 44 females (14 - 76 years old), with different backgrounds (from trained singers to voice patients), 212 longitudinal measurements were made. These repeated measurements over time varied from 2 to 18 measurements per subject, with an average of 3 measurements per subject, The results give proof of the intrasubject variability, induced by voice training and/or voice therapy. In all these cases, however, the diagnosis of voice category, based on a step-by step procedure of phonetographic analysis, remained the same, even over a period of more than 27 years..

Drs. Hugo Lycke
Affiliatie : KULeuven (België)
Adres : Edelarendries 74, 9820 Merelbeke (België)
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Tel. : 00/32/ 9 3625674