Evaluation of substitution voicing: development of a routine clinical asessment
protocol and international data collection
M. Moerman , JP. Martens, D. Chevalier, G. Lawson, AK. Licht, F. Ogut, E. Reckenzaun, V. Woisard, Ph. Dejonckere
Based on previous studies a protocol has been developed for clinical assessment of the quality of substitution voices.Its design is similar to the ELS protocol for laryngeal dysphonia. However, as substitution voicing is a particular dysphonia entity, the 5 items from the ELS protocol had at least to be adapted. The GRBAS scale is replaced by the IINFVo perceptual rating scale and the acoustical analysis is performed with an Auditory Model Based Pitch Extractor. The visual analysis, the aerodynamic measurements and the self-assessment are simplified.
International data collection comprises 7 centres until now and 102 files (85 Male, 16 Female, 1 missing gender). However, 6 files were not appropriate for further analysis.The remaining 96 speech samples comprise voicing after total laryngectomy (with myotomy (11) or without myotomy (15) albeit with reconstruction), cricohyoido(epiglotto)pexy (22), frontolateral laryngectomy/Tucker (11) and cordectomy from type III (37) on.
Presenting the results, we try to answer questions such as:
1) Can this protocol differentiate between substitution voicing and laryngeal voicing?
2) Can this assessment protocol differentiate between the various types of substitution voicing?
3) Is the protocol mother tongue independent? And thus can it be used internationally?
4) Is it not too time-consuming?
M. Moerman1,2, JP. Martens3, D.Chevalier4, G.Lawson5, AK.Licht6, F.Ogut7, E.Reckenzaun8, V.Woisard9, P. Dejonckere1
1 Institute of Phoniatrics, University Medical Centre Utrecht, the Netherlands
2 AZ Jan Palfijn/maria Middelares, Ghent , Belgium
3 Electronics and Information Systems Department, Ghent University, Belgium
4 Service ORL, CHU Hopital Huriez, Lille, France
5 Service ORL-Chirurgie cervico-faciale, Cliniques Universitaires UCL de Mont Godinne, Belgium
6 Poliklinik für Hör-, Stimm- und Sprachheilkunde Universitätsklinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf, Germany
7 Ege Üniv. KBB Anabilimdali Bornova Izmir, Turkey
8 Department of Phoniatrics and Speech Pathology, University of Graz, Austria
9 ORL-Chirurgie cervico-faciale, CHU Hôpital Larrey, Toulouse, France
Mieke Moerman,
klossebos 18,
9052 Zwijnaarde
tel: 0032-477-573987
1) LM. Van Immerseel, JP. Martens, Pitch and voiced unvoiced determination with an auditory model. J Acoustical Society Am. 1992 91: 3511-3526.
2) M. Moerman, G. Pieters, JP. Martens, MJ. Van der Borgt, Ph. Dejonckere. Objective evaluation of quality of substitution voices. Eur. Arch. Otorhinolaryngol. 2004 Nov 261 (10): 541-7 — Epub 2004 Jan 15.
3) M. Moerman ;, JP. Martens, L. Crevier-Buchman, V. Woisard, Ph. Dejonckere. Perceptive evaluation of substitution voices: the I(I) NFVo rating scale. Rev Laryngol Otol Rhinol (Bord). 2005;126(5):323-5. French.