The Estimation of the voice function on the background of antireflux therapy among people with chronic laryngitis

E.V. Osipenko , Z.M. Ashurov, A.C. Epanchinceva., D.M. Mustafaev

Nowadays the problem of out-esophageal manifestations of GERD has been risen. The purpose of research is to estimate the efficiency of anti-reflux therapy (?T)in the therapy of chronic laryngitis (CL).
CL has been revealed examining 14 men and 23 women (n="37)." The patients were divided into three groups: I group: GRF with high gastroesophageal reflux has been typical of 16 patients, II group: GERD without high pathological reflux has been typical of 8 patients III - 13 patients without GERD (it was confirmed by the daily ??— monitoring).
So 24 patients with CL examined by us suffered from GERD. ?Twas includedin standard therapy of CL during the diagnostics of GERD. Jitter, Shimmer, Normalized Noise Energy (NNE), electroglottography-shimmer (EGG-Shimmer), Contact Quotient Perturbation (CQP) were analyzed after and before treatment.
Prior to the beginning of the therapy the average meanings were received. Jitter = 0,52 %, Shimmer = 4,15 %, NNE = 5,81dB, EGG-Shimmer = 4,28dB, CQP = 12,045 % it is above the mark. After the application of ?? we have found out the normalization of these parameters among 49,3 % of the patients, the improvement among 34,6 %, there weren’t any changes among 16,1 %.
1. To our mind Jitter, Shimmer, NNE, EGG-Shimmer, CQP can be considered as the parameters of "the purity of the voice".
2. Their being in the voice objectively reflects and fixes the dynamics of the ??efficiency among the patients suffered from CL in the combination with GERD.

Ekaterina V. Osipenko, Z.M. Ashurov, A.C. Epanchinceva., D.M. Mustafaev
Russia 125040 Moscow
Leningradsky prospekt 1-100
Mob. +7-901-541-49-59 F. +7-(495) -257-69-56