An interpretation scheme for computer phonetograms

Peter Pabon

Computer phonetogram recording with additional voice quality parameters is more and more used in clinical settings, singing pedagogy, voice therapy, and other fields where voice assessment and objective monitoring of voice change is of relevance.
With this growing interest, also the need is increased to deal with the measured results. To get guidance in deciding what aspect, of the often very interesting and detailed information, is the most relevant.
An interpretation scheme is presented that specifies in a top down manner a series of items to check for, plus examples and connotations. It is not a diagnosis scheme, but a means not to miss the clue within the large diversity of voices and qualities.
This presentation/workshop will demonstrate the use of the interpretation scheme starting from a live recording. Additionally, some specific examples are discussed to demonstrate the application and possible routing in voice quality change.

Peter Pabon, Royal Conservatory, The Hague / University Utrecht / Voice Quality Systems