The Movement of the Diaphragm during Classical Singing: A preliminary study on the use of ultrasound as method for monitoring the movement of the diaphragm
Viggo Pettersen,Torbjørn Moe Eggebø
Introduction: The diaphragm (DPH) is often described as being dome-shaped, slightly higher on the right side than on the left side: it is said to resemble an inverted bowl. Many important organs in contact with its lower surface enjoy the protection of the lower ribs. This is particularly true for the liver and the spleen, and to some extent the kidneys (1). This study aims to investigate the movement of the medial and posterior parts of DPH.
Material and method: High frequency sound-waves (3.5 mHZ) will be utilized to explore the movement of DPH. The medial part will be investigated by placing the probe laterally to the midline, beneath the lowest part of the rib-cage, on the right side of the body. The posterior part of DPH will be investigated by placing the probe on the back, beneath the rib- cage, to the left of the midline. This part of DPH is not directly accessible by ultrasound (US). Nevertheless, because DPH and its associated structures are always supposed to move in concert, the movement may indirectly be surveyed by studying the movement of the left kidney.
Results: The main finding in this investigation is that US is a promising tool to explore the movement of DPH during singing. The findings will be discussed and illustrated by analyses of US imaging.
*Viggo Pettersen and **Torbjørn Moe Eggebø
*Universityof Stavanger, Department of Music and Dance, N-4068 Stavanger, Norway **StavangerUniversity Hospital, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology,
Stavanger, Norway
Address for correspondence: Viggo Pettersen, Department of Music and Dance, University of Stavanger, N- 4036 Stavanger, Norway,
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