Singing in pregnancy: The womb as a our first musical environment
Rita Rikhof
The womb as a our first musical environment
Over the last few years the interest in early development has been growing. Research findings concerning child development tell us that we need to pay more attention to the young child. The influence on development of this period is more far reaching than was suspected. We might ask ourselves if the prenatal period should be included as well. Is the womb our first musical environment?
Prenatal development
Books and articles about prenatal psychology and development and, scientific research learned that the general opinions about the life of an unborn child were mostly based on out-of-date ideas. The new knowledge and information shows a child with social, emotional, cognitive, motor and sensorial capabilities while still in the womb. A baby inside the womb is even able to memorize information that is presented to him on a regular base. In the womb babies can also recognize and distinguish the mother’s voice out of other voices.
The triumvirate mother, baby and singing
In pregnancy mother, baby and music (sounds, noise and singing) are connected to each other in a kind of triumvirate. As the baby can hear from about the 20th week, (and probably even earlier) he will pick up the sounds, which the ear can register. During pregnancy the hearing apparatus develops and of sounds from inside as well as from outside are registered by the baby. Around week 34 the baby can hear as a newborn.
The womb as a singing environment
The first important environmental influence for the child is the womb. Singing parents provide a musical environment of songs, sounds and words. Parents can use their voice as a way of expressing their feelings to the baby. Singing becomes a way of prenatal communication and bonding. Singing in pregnancy creates a musical environment in which the baby can hear the love and feel safe. Attention will be paid to the relation between hormone secretion and singing.
Pregnancy songs
Pregnancy songs are divided into songs for adults and children. Adult pregnancy songs express feelings of the fathers and mothers. Most times singing is combined with tender touching, smooth stroking, massage or holding hands on the baby tummy. Also musical activities like ticking the rhythm or beat go along with some songs.
Pregnancy songs for children are designed to involve brothers and sisters in the pregnancy in a natural, playful way. Children can easily sing these simple songs.
Rita Rikhof
Music pedagogue
Teacher trainer ‘Music on the lap and Music in pregnancy’
Gaffelhoek 19
7546 MT Enschede
The Netherlands
31(0) 53-4776990
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