How to Help Teachers’ Voice
Margarete Saatweber
The effects of teachers’ voice and children’s processing of spoken language is largely unknown. But we know, that the function of voice has effects on listeners. Vocal characteristics play an important role in determining the reactions of listeners to speakers.
Function of breathing, motion of breathing, breathing tonus, voice vibrations and articulation tonus is transmitted to listeners. So we have to conclude that listening teachers’ voice at school, influences children’s behaviour and the perception of spoken language.
We know that voice care education for teachers is very necessary not only in relation to these ideas. But what’s to do?
The concept of Schlaffhorst-Andersen is based upon the correlation between breathing, voice, and motion or posture. The motor function of these three systems is of close interdependency to emotional processes and vegetative responses. Verbal and non-verbal communication is determined by posture and motion. Thus, any influence put on the persons’ physical features affects his or her personality.
The concept of Schlaffhorst-Andersen knows a lot of exercises to help teachers to improve her or his functions of voice, breathing, motion and posture, for example the “Schwingen”. This and more exercises will be presented in the workshop.
Margarete Saatweber
Atem-, Sprech- und Stimmlehrerin, Logopädin
D 42369 Wuppertal, Germany
Phone: +49 202 464931, Fax: +49 202 4604898
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