Follow-up of the LAX VOX tube aided voice therapy using a symptom questionnaire and the Voice Activation and Participation Profiles
Marketta Sihvo, Elina Isotalo, Tiina Luukkaala, Outi Sukanen & Leenamaija Kleemola
Studies on the outcome of a therapy are necessary in finding the essential aspects and the best means to transmit cognizanceto a patient. Usually, the dysphonic patients welcomethe basicinformation of voice production, and readilylearn a few exercises that keep them capable to work in speaking profession and to communicate in occupational and social situations. — During last decade a biofeedback (LAX VOX tube) aided therapy procedure, basing on knowledge of effective learning and teaching, was developed in our clinic. Within last years a follow-up project was carried through,in the normal clinical setting. — The present study focuses on 35 patients answered two questionnaires using visual analogue scales; one on their symptoms and the other one concerning their vocal activation and participation (VAPP). The follow-up included four enquiries: (1) before voice therapy, (2) immediately after it, (3) after six months and (4) one year after the last therapy session. - According the results the strongest and most common of the symptoms were voice fatigue, voice losses, hoarseness, the need for throat clearing and laryngeal sensations. They diminished statistically significantly. In line with that the voice dependent quality of life was improved in many aspects.
Marketta Sihvo1, Elina Isotalo1, Tiina Luukkaala2, Outi Sukanen3 & Leenamaija Kleemola1
1 Department of Phoniatric in Tampered University Hospital, Finland
2 Tampered University Hospital, Research Unit and Tampered School of Public Health, University of Tampered, Finland
3 Departments of Finnish, Information Studies and Logaoedics, University of Lulu, Finland.