Strengthening Vocal Endurance: a pilot study

Timmermans, B., De Bodt, MS., Wuyts, FL., Gyselinck, Y

In this study the effect of voice training on vocal endurance focussing on pitch control is explored. To evaluate the training effect we compared the results of a trained group (n= 10) with the results of a control group (n="10)." Both groups were tested at the beginning of the school year and after 4 months. A short voice training of 18 hours was given in small groups. Both groups were tested by means of the Voice Strain Test (Ling WAVES). Comparison of pre and post-tests shows significant differences in pitch control for the trained group only (p="0.015)." This means that the trained subjects were able to control the increase of frequency during a rise in intensity. This study indicates that vocal endurance can be strengthened even after this limited training.

Dr. Bernadette Timmermans
logopediste - docente stem
Erasmushogeschool Brussel
Dept Rits en Communicatie
Bureau Onderzoek Associatie Brussel
lerarenopleiding VUB-EhB

Timmermans B, ° De Bodt MS. **, Wuyts FL. **, Gyselinck Y ***
° **Erasmus Institute Brussels, Department Rits
** Faculty of Medicine, UA, Belgium. Department of Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery and Communication Disorders.
***Centre for Logopedics S. Zaman.

Corresponding author:
Bernadette Timmermans
UniversityHospital Antwerp, UA
Department of Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery and Communication Disorders. Wilrijkstraat, 10
B-2650 Edegem
Tel: 32.3.454.35.01