How can voice clients benefit from Qigong training?
Gry Tveterås
Qi: energy, vitality Gong: method, exercise, training
Qigong is a traditional Chinese way of training and therapy with roots going back more than 3000-4000 years in history. Two different directions have been developed, one is connected to techniques of self-defence, and the other is used for health improvement (medical qigong).
Medical qigong belongs to the traditional Chinese medicine. The principles of qigong are based on the same theory as acupuncture. Qigong is primarily used to maintain and increase good health and is also used for prophylactic reasons. The purpose of the method is to develop and manage the energy of the performer. It is a holistic method, consisting of movements and breathing with a concentrated, open mind. Regular qigong training may contribute to a better physical, psychic and mental balance.
Working with voice clients, I find it valuable to use simple qigong exercises along with voice exercises. Most of the clients have functional voice disorders, also called muscle tension dysphonias. This is a variety of vocal abuse, misuse, or overuse syndromes, often with components of psychological stress. A high costal breathing pattern is often seen.
The breathing technique in qigong with calm and harmonic movements may increase the manifestation of good head and body posture, abdominal breathing pattern with free breathing flow, reduced muscular tension, and increased ability to relax. These factors are important in making the client able to improve her/his voice quality.
Exercises will be demonstrated, and the combination of training voice and qigong will be discussed.
Speech therapist Gry Tveterås, Bredtvet Resource Centre, Oslo, Norway