Phonosurgical Decision making based on Videokymographic Imaging

Tjouwke A. van Kalkeren
, Harm K. Schutte, Q. Qiu, Jan G. Švec, Hans F. Mahieu

Introduction:Among the objectives such as optimizing glottal closure, phonosurgical intervention is aimed at correcting factors that negatively influence the vibrational pattern of the vocal folds. In order to determine the optimal surgical treatment strategy, objective and accurate parameters concerning vocal fold vibrations are required. In this perspective videokymography (VK) has the potential to be a convenient tool to indicate the condition which should be corrected and assess the outcome of a phonosurgical correction.
Material and methods:24 patients with a broad diversity of pathological voice disorders underwent a (standard) phoniatric examination and laryngostroboscopy (LS) prior to VK. Assessment was performed before and after surgery.
Results:All patients but two demonstrated an improved glottic waveform following phonosurgical correction as assessed by VK, after 3-12 months.
Conclusion:In clinical practice, harmonization of LS along with VK proved to be a helpful tool. The method provides information about vibrational characteristics of laryngeal tissues in a quick and easy way. More accurate information about vibrational vocal fold pathology can help the phonosurgeon to make decisions in a diversity of treatments currently available.

Tjouwke A. van Kalkeren a, Harm K. Schutte b, Q. Qiu b, Jan G Švec b, Hans F. Mahieu a aDepartment of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery, Meander Medical Centre, Amersfoort, The Netherlands.
b Groningen Voice Research Lab (H.K.S.), Biomedical Technology, Faculty of Medical Sciences, University Medical Centre Groningen, Groningen, The Netherlands.