Treatment results of adult onset recurrent respiratory papillomatosis during 34 years experience

M.M.L. Verguts , E. Genbrugge; P.W. Hellings, F.I.C.R.S. de Jong

The aim of the study was to assess treatment results of patients with adult onset recurrent respiratory papillomatosis (AORRP). In a retrospective study design clinical and pathological data of 57 patients with AORRP who were treated in the University Hospitals Leuven between 1972 and 2006 and were aged over 12 years at the time of diagnosis were included. The male-female ratio was 7:3. Forty five patients (95%) had laryngeal disease. Five patients (9%) had genital condylomata, four patients (7%) had hepatitis, and one patient (2%) had HIV. The median retrospective Coltrera Derkay Staging and Severity score at the time of diagnosis was 6,1 (range 2-28). Six patients were lost to follow-up due to death of unrelated cause to AORRP; all of them had been in remission. Further analysis was made on the group of 51 patients alive at the time of analysis. In half of these patients treatment extended between 81 and 1686 weeks. Twenty-one patients (41%) received only surgical treatment, 30 patients (59%) also adjuvant administration of intralesional Cidofovir. In the mere surgery group, 19 patients (90%) were in remission. In the patient group treated with adjuvant cidofovir, 16 patients (53%) were in remission. AORRP turned out to be a curable disease in most patients after intensive and long lasting treatment. Arguments in favour of adjuvant therapy with Cidofovir regarding cure of AORRP were not found.

Dr. Monique Verguts
Department of Otorhinolaryngology, head and Neck surgery - Exp. ORL, University Hospitals K.U.Leuven, Belgium
UZ Leuven
Capucijnenvoer 35
B - 3000 Leuven
Tel: +3216299914