REVOICE Manual Voice Therapy™
Sirkka-Liisa Perkiö , Vivian Burman and Ruud de Sera
In this workshop we present an outline of REVOICE Manual Voice Therapy™ and some
of it's techniques will be demonstrated by Sirkka-Liisa Perkiö with the participation of
volunteers recruited from the audience.
Vivian Burman, renowned voice teacher and long-time collaborator of Sirkka-Liisa will
witness about the benefits of the program and scenarios for continuous collaboration
between Song Teachers, Speech-Language Therapists (SLT's), Foneatrists and other
voice specialists.
Ruud de Sera, certified coach|mentor, mental trainer and educator, with 25 years
experience from the music industry, presents a systemic view on the mental processes,
the environment and other events that influence us and how awareness of the entire
process may help us to gain full access to and control over the instrument.
About Sirkka-Liisa Perkiö:
Sirkka-Liisa Perkiö is a licensed naprapathist and certified voice masseur who lives and
works in Stockholm, Sweden. She also regularly visits Finland, her native country, andÅland to give lectures. She has worked at the Royal Opera of Stockholm and at the renowned phoniatric department of the Sophia Hospital in the same city with Dr.Staffan Wilén and two
Speech-Language Therapists. Since 2004 she has been working together with his
extended team of voice related specialists in a private practice.
Drawing upon more than 30 years of practice with singers, performers, professional
speakers, teachers, politicians, sales executives etc. she has optimized her skills,
experience and knowledge now gathered under the name REVOICE Manual Voice
Therapy™. Besides physical manipulative treatment and exercises, it also includes mental training and coaching, and voice education and development.
Sirkka-Liisa Perkiö , Vivian Burman and Ruud de Sera
( members of VoTS - Voice Teachers of Sweden)