Breathing related to voice problems. The use of BIM, Buteyko Institute Method, breathing retraining.
G.H.F. van de Coolwijk, H.M.M. Karsten-Voets
Breathing and voice are inseparable functions with breathing as a fundamental prerequisite for voicing.
Normal breathing is based on physiological rationales; it must meet the body’s needs.
In our practises for speech therapy we teach clients breathing exercises and other behavioural modifications, following the Buteyko method or the Buteyko Institute Method which is based on scientific research.
This method is opposite to deep breathing exercises, because deep breathing easily leads to over breathing and greater elimination of CO2, resulting in different levels of hypocapnia, affecting all systems of the human body.
Hypocapnia, leading to airway smooth muscle contraction and increased mucosal oedema, resulting in increased airway resistance, is regarded as a possible major contributor to the pathophysiology of for instance asthma.
The study of one of us reveals that asthmatics show significant lower pCO2 values compared with healthy subjects.
Through normalising breathing patterns these pathological processes can be prevented or stopped.
Through training to raise pCO2 levels, people feel less constriction and inflammation of the airways, they feel less agitated and experience more energy.
As a result they need less medication for inflammation or constriction of the airways. And more, they learn how to use their breathing as a proper tool not only for their voice, protecting the mucous membrane, but also for their overall state of health.
Therefore we would strongly advise to diagnose possible hidden hyperventilation and (mild) hypocapnia. Measuring pCO2 or ETCO2 levels in clients with airway problems and related voice problems are supportive, because low CO2 levels are a possible underlying causative problem.
When lower CO2 values are diagnosed, normalising breathing patterns by using the Buteyko Institute Method can greatly improve the condition of these clients.
G.H.F. van de Coolwijk, speech therapist,
Máxima Medisch Centrum Location Eindhoven and Veldhoven,
Postbus 7777
5500 MB Veldhoven
H.M.M. Karsten-Voets, speech therapist
Burg. Grothestraat 65, 3761 CL Soest