Pevoc-Maveba » News 11th PAN-EUROPEAN VOICE CONFERENCE Thu, 08 Oct 2015 11:53:20 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Pictures of the conference Thu, 10 Sep 2015 08:39:03 +0000 A first set of photos from Sten Ternström coordinator of the MAVEBA satellite event: everyone looks happy!

First set of photos »

Maveba set of photos »
Pevoc day 1 set of photos »
Pevoc day 2 set of photos »
Pevoc day 3 set of photos »
Other Pevoc set of photos »

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Instruction for presentation Mon, 24 Aug 2015 08:53:30 +0000 Dear PEVOC-MAVEBA participant,

Looking forward to meeting you in a few days in Firenze we send you some useful information for your presentation:

We invite you to read the Programme available on the website and check the time and room of your presentation.

Slide Center
The slide center is located at the entrance of the building. We invite you to prepare your presentation in advance using PowerPoint (MS Office 2010) and bring it to the Slide Center at the beginning of the morning or during coffee breaks or lunch time prior to your session. From the Slide Center it will be uploaded on the computer in the room assigned to your presentation.

Room equipment
A computer is available in each room provided with operating system OS Windows 7 or Windows 8. Those that use another OS are asked to verify the compatibility of their presentation with MS Office 10 for Windows 7 or Windows 8.
Each room is equipped with a PC, a video projector connected to the computer, a screen for video projection and audio amplification from the computer. In larger rooms (1 and 2) there are also microphones.
For those who might need it, an electronic keyboard is available that will be placed in individual rooms on request. Please ask Dr. Silvia Orlandi ( or Dr. Andrea Bandini (

Best poster prize
As with previous editions during PEVOC a special jury will evaluate the posters. Based on the scores given by the jury, during the closing ceremony (September 2 at 12:30-13:00) the winner will receive the Gunnar Rugheimer Prize for the best poster presented at PEVOC 11.

Information about the size and presentation can be found here.

Hoping that this information will be useful we wish you a safe journey to Firenze and we greet you cordially.

The PEVOC-MAVEBA Committee ]]> 0