Presentation format:

Oral presentations
Oral presentations in free paper sessions are 10 minutes in length followed by 5 minutes of discussion. In order to guarantee precise organisation of the entire programme, all speakers are kindly requested to keep to their allocated presentation times. The chairperson of each session will be entitled to interrupt a presentation if a speaker exceeds the time allocated.

Workshops are 60 minutes in length. Most of the workshops will be offered twice to facilitate participation in spite of scheduled parallel sessions.

Poster presentation
Authors are requested to attend their posters for questions and discussion during the scheduled poster session. Standard poster walls will be available in the Poster Exhibition. The maximum size of a poster should be DIN A0 (84.10 cm wide x 118.90 cm high). Adhesive material and help will be available to poster authors from the Registration Desk. Please remove your poster at the end of the conference or prior to your departure. Posters cannot be forwarded to the authors.


LCD projectors, computers and audio equipment will be available in each session room. Experienced technicians will be available at the Media Check to assist you in troubleshooting issues that may arise. If you require different equipment for your presentation please contact us prior to the conference, latest until July 31st (

Guidelines for bringing your PowerPoint presentation on PC disk/CD or USB Flash:

Please bring your presentation on a CD or USB Thumb Drive. Windows based computers running PowerPoint for Microsoft will be used as the standard at the meeting. Mac users are asked to submit their presentations Windows formatted.
  • When naming your file, use only Western alpha-numeric characters. Do not use characters that incorporate a dash, dot or backslash, etc. as part of the name (i.e. á or ü or / or \ or – or).
  • Place all audio and video clips linked with the presentation into a single file folder. Video files should be AVI QuickTime or MPEG1, not MPEG2.
  • If a presentation uses fonts other than the basic Windows fonts please copy these fonts in a folder along with the presentation. You will find these fonts located at C:\Windows\Fonts. (The fonts will have .tff as their file extension.)

Media Check:

Media Check will be located closed to the Registration desk. All speakers are asked to drop their PowerPoint presentations off at the Media Check latest two hours prior to the start of their session. Opening hours are as following:

Wednesday, 26th of August: 5 pm – 9 pm
Thursday, 27th of August: 8 am – 5 pm
Friday, 28th of August: 8 am – 5 pm
Saturday, 29th of August: 8 am – 12 am