For PEVOC, CoMeT and MAVEBA Workshops and Round Tables please refer to the instructions at: Workshops and Round Tables: Final abstract submission

Instructions to submit your final abstract for publication in the PEVOC abstract book/Maveba Proceedings. Remember to follow these directions carefully to adhere to a consistent format of the proceedings as required by the Publisher (Firenze University Press).
Login into the system with the same username and password as used for uploading the first abstract, delete it and upload the final abstract formatted according to the Template.
The deadline for final submission is: May 20, 2015.

For PEVOC abstract book:
MSWord only: .doc or .docx
There must not be any password protection. Do not number pages. Paper Size: Select A4 for the custom size of paper, i.e. 21 x 29.7 cm (8.27 x 11.69 in). Only this paper size can be accepted. Length: The maximum document size is one page. Format: Set top margin to 26 mm, left and right margin to 22 mm, bottom margin to 40 mm. Paragraph indentation is 3.5 mm. Left and right-justify the text. One column. Single-line spacing. Type sizes and typefaces: In editing your manuscript please use Times New Roman 14 point bold, capital letters for the title, 12 point Times New Roman (normal) for author names and 10 point Times New Roman for author's affiliations, email addresses and abstract main text.
PEVOC template >>

For MAVEBA Proceedings:
Adobe Acrobat only: .pdf
There must not be any password protection. Do not number pages. Paper Size: Select A4 for the custom size of paper, i.e. 21 x 29.7 cm (8.27 x 11.69 in). Only this paper size can be accepted. Length: The maximum document size is four pages, figures and references included. Format: Set top margin to 26 mm, left and right margin to 22 mm, bottom margin to 40 mm. Paragraph indentation is 3.5 mm. Left and right-justify columns. Two columns. Single line spacing. Type sizes and typefaces: In editing your manuscript please use Times New Roman 14 point bold, capital letters for the title, 12 point Times New Roman (normal) for author names and 10 point Times New Roman for author's affiliations, email addresses and abstract main text.
MAVEBA template >>

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