Instructions for Presenters


Please respect your time slot in courtesy of the next speaker.


All speakers are kindly requested to upload their presentation in the Preview Room one day before or at least two hours before the allocated time slot. Only minor modifications are allowed to be made on the working stations in the Preview Room.

Presentation format 

  • All presentations should be in PowerPoint format and PC compatible
  • The projection format will be 16:9, please use this format when creating your slides
  • PowerPoint 2016 and previous versions are accepted
  • Save your file with a .pptx extension for a better compatibility
  • Media elements:

Use the ‘Insert’ function to integrate media elements, such as images and video
Try to limit the size of your videos and sound to 1GB and use formats such as .mp4 and .wmv if possible. If your video files come from a medical equipment, make sure you do not need a special proprietary software to play it on a PC

  • If you work on a Mac try to avoid specific fonts in Mac OS and rather choose Windows compatible fonts
  • Save your presentation, including a copy of your video file(s) in one map, on a USB flash drive or an external hard drive.
  • Please note that under no circumstances personal laptops can be used in the session rooms.


Preview room

The Preview room is located in the main building, close to the registration desk.
Preview opening hours:

  • Tuesday, 29th of August: from 14h00 till 17h00
  • Wednesday, 30th August: from 08h00 till 16h00
  • Thursday, 31st August: from 08h00 till 16h00
  • Friday, 1st September: from 08h00 till 16h00

AV equipment in the sessions rooms

Each session room will be equipped with a PC at the lectern, which is connected to the Preview Room and which will be used to project all presentations.
We remind you that it is forbidden to plug your personal laptop or an USB key in the rooms.
Once you are at the lectern, simply click on your name to launch your presentation, then use the arrows on the keyboard or the mouse to advance your slides. At the end of your presentation click ‘Escape’ to go back to the main menu.


All presentations and connected files are stored and kept exclusively during the congress. Each speaker can access and modify his/her own presentation, but does not have access to other speakers’ presentations.  All the data will be deleted from the computers after the event.

Poster presentations

This visual display must not exceed the A1 format. The organization will foresee enough space on the GROUND LEVEL of the conference hall to set up your Poster.
You may hang up your poster on the assigned place on Wednesday August 30th, between 08h00 and 10h00. Please remove your poster on Friday September 1st between 17h00 and 19h00.
Please be available on Thursday August 31th, between 13h15 and 14h00, for questions or comments.

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