

  • ADAP NL accreditation for Dutch Speech Therapists approved! Dutch SLT's receive 15.5 continuing education points for their participation.

    • Accreditation nr: 270500
  • Approved by Logopädieaustria (! Austrian SLT´s  receive 6 continuing education points for their participation.

EAV Preconference Training Course
Voice of Experience Lecture

Invited Speakers

Preconference Training Course

eavlogo80.pngEAV Preconference training course, for registration and further information please check this link


Programme :

Voice Of Experience Lecture

 janice_chapman.jpgJanice Chapman

 Primal sound – The link between vocal technique and artistry


Invited Speakers

photo_klaus_scherer_2.jpg  Klaus Scherer

  Voices of power and passion



stellan_hertegard.jpgStellan Hertegård

Stem cell treatment of damaged vocal folds 


fdj_v2.jpgFelix De Jong

The voice in a holistic perspective



foto_p__simoens_2015.jpgPaul Simoens

Of talking birds and singing whales.
On the vocalization of mammals and birds


florian_heyerick.jpgFlorian Heyerick

Choral singing in Tune

florian_heyerick.jpgIngo Titze

The science behind semi-occluded vocal tract excercises



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