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Curriculum vitae of Claudia Manfredi, Italy

Claudia Manfredi Claudia Manfredi is with the Department of Electronics and Telecommunications, Faculty of Engineering, University of Firenze, Firenze, Italy, where she has been working in the field of control systems and identification, linear and non linear system analysis. More recently, research activity concerns voice analysis under a biomedical perspective. Robust adaptive techniques for tracking signal and image parameters, in presence of abrupt changes and high noise levels are investigated, for voice modelling, classification and rehabilitation. Applications are relative to newborn infant cries, adult voices and singing voice.

Dr. Manfredi is a member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (IEEE), the International Speech and Communication Association (ISCA), the Italian Biomedical Engineering Group (GNB), and the Editorial Board of Biomedical Signal Processing and Control Journal (Elsevier Ltd.). She organises the series of International Workshops on Models and Analysis of Vocal Emissions for Biomedical Applications (MAVEBA), Firenze, Italy and will act as local chair for the Interspeech Conference, Firenze, Italy, 2011.