Information for Authors

Publication of the full papers in the journal Logopedics Phoniatrics Vocology:

The authors are encouraged to submit the full papers to the official PEVOC journal: Logopedics Phoniatrics Vocology (LPV, The journal is included in all the major databases, including the ISI Web of Knowledge, Scopus or Medline. All papers submitted to LPV in the normal way via the electronic submission ( before the end of 2013 will be given a fast-track review to publication.

In order to link the submitted paper to PEVOC, include in the acknowledgement the statement "The paper was presented at the 10th Pan European Voice Conference PEVOC on August 21-24, 2013 in Prague, Czech Republic."

Please note that not only are there the standard "full papers" but also "forum" articles that might be reports on practice without experimental validation. Forum articles are subject to a simpler review process.

LPV is pleased to be the PEVOC journal of choice; we look forward to seeing your papers!

prof. David M. Howard and Jan G. Švec
Editor-In-Chief and Deputy Editor-In-Chief, Logopedics Phoniatrics Vocology