Useful travel information


The official currency used in the Czech Republic is the Czech Crown, CZK (international format) or Kč (locally). The Czech currency consists of 6 types of bank notes (100, 200, 500, 1000, 2000, 5000) and 6 types of coins (1 CZK, 2 CZK, 5 CZK, 10 CZK, 20 CZK, and 50 CZK).

For exchange rates please visit this link

Prague public transport

You can travel by metro, bus or tram around Prague.

For more information please visit:

Czech food and drinks

Czech cuisine has both influenced and been influenced by the cuisines of the surrounding countries. A number of fine cakes and pastries that are popular in Central Europe originated in the Czech lands. Czech cuisine is marked by a strong emphasis on meat dishes. Pork is quite common, and beef and chicken are also popular. Goose, duck, rabbit and wild game are served. Fish is rare, with the occasional exception of fresh trout and carp, which are served at Christmas.

Typical Czech food:

  • Vepřo-knedlo-zelo: Roast pork with sauerkraut and potato or bread dumplings
  • Svíčková: Stewed sirloin with a cream and cranberry sauce and bread dumplings.
  • Potato pancakes made of raw potatoes.

For unique and elegant restaurants serving typical Czech food and beer in the Old Town or in the vicinity of the Prague Castle please visit this link


The most popular Czech drink is, of course, beer. Czech people are proud of their beer and drink it with great pleasure not only in pubs, beer halls or restaurants but also at home. Drinking and purchasing alcohol is allowed from the age of 18.

Czech beer can be bought in bottles, pasteurised or non-pasteurised (for example Bernard), and there are different types (lager, stout, light, dark) but the best way to taste it is to try draught beer.

Each different brand has a different taste and colour. For those who prefer a sweeter taste than that of regular lager, we recommend Czech dark beer. Some beer brands you may have already heard of include: Pilsner Urquell, Krusovice, Bernard, Staropramen, Budweiser (Budvar) and Velvet.


Czech wine is produced mainly in Moravia, the South-East region of the Czech Republic. Although it might be not as famous as other South-East European wines, the Czech wine is known owing to brands such as Frankovka and Blue Portual (red wine), and Muller Thurgau and Riesling (white wine).

During the cold season, hot wine (“svařák”) is popular in most wine shops and wine bars (“vinárna”), bars and even on the street, at special events such as Christmas fairs.



Becherovka is a herbal liquor from Karlovy Vary, traditionally made out of several secret herbs. It is said to be good for digestion and to have medicinal properties. It can be great in different combinations and cocktails.


Fernet is another herbal liquor, very appreciated by Czechs (and not only by them). It comes in different variants, Stock (or bitter), Citrus (lemon) and is best served cold or with ice.


Slivovice is a brandy made of plums. Different brandies are made of other fruits such as pears (hruškovice), apricots (meruňkovice), etc. It is stronger and clearer than herbal liqueurs and it is very popular especially in Moravia, the North-East region of the Czech Republic.