

Participants are invited to submit an Abstract for a Free paper, Poster or Workshop, related to the general topics of the conference.

The language for both Abstracts and presentations is English. Please note that all presenters must register for the conference.

FREE SCIENTIFIC PAPERS should present scientific work and be no longer than 12 minutes plus 3 minutes for questions and comments. They will be grouped into sessions according to content. Abstracts for Free papers should contain the investigation's objective, method, results and conclusion.

WORKSHOPS will last 40 minutes or 25 minutes each plus 5 minutes for questions and comments. We encourage presenters to submit practical workshops. Please describe in the Abstract what the participants will see or hear, and in what way they will be involved.

POSTERS will be on display during the whole conference. In addition, there will be a dedicated session where discussions can take place between authors and conference participants. To encourage the quality of posters, the best poster will be awarded by the prestigeous Gunnar Rugheimer Prize.

The submitted poster Abstract, as well as the actual poster, should contain the investigation's objective, method, results and conclusion.

Deadline for submission of abstracts is March 2nd March 8th, 2019.

The Abstract text should be of max 350 words. All submissions will be evaluated by the Scientific Committee of the meeting. The Committee may change an Abstract to a topic or theme session of the program that they found more appropriate.


(e.g. medical conditions that affect the voice, laryngeal impairments and lesions, assessment and treatment of functional, organic and neurological voice disorders, phono-surgery, head and neck cancer, management and outcome, clinical practice of phoniatrics, advances in laryngeal visualization and assessment)

Voice Pedagogy
(e. g. singing, theatrical voice, rhetorics and oral presentation, singing styles, choral singing, child voice pedagogy, singing exercises and their function, perspectives on voice teaching techniques, historical and contemporary issues of voice pedagogy and performing, vocal coaching, instructions and feedback, vocal warm-up, vocal tract configuration, articulatory settings and timbre, vocal range and registers)

Voice Therapy
(e. g. assessment and intervention of dysphonia, measuring treatment outcome and effects, voice disorders and quality of life, perceptual evaluation, voice therapy approaches, clinical practice of speech pathology, behavioral learning and habit change, voice therapy for functional, organic and neurological voice disorders transgender voice, EILO and paradoxical vocal fold motion, tracheoesophageal voice, voice therapy for children)

Basic Science
(e. g. imaging and assessment, phonetics, acoustic analyses, voice range profile, perturbation measurements, occupational voice and vocal load, voice and emotions, cognitive and psychological aspects of voice, physiological measures, electroglottography, inverse filtering, synthesis, modelling, bioacoustics)

Notification of acceptance will be given by April 15th, 2019.

All Abstracts will be published on the conference website and in a Book of Abstracts.