
Congratulations on getting your work accepted for presentation at PEVoC 2019. These guidelines provide some instructions you will need.

The programme is tightly scheduled and it is impossible to delay a presentation, so please allow enough time between your arrival and your time of presentation. Upon arrival at the Falkoner conference centre, please check at the registration desk whether any changes in time or room have occurred.

Each lecture room is equipped with a PC, one projector and one large screen. Please note, that as an outset you cannot use your own computer for your presentation.


Please make sure that you show up in the lecture room in one of the breaks preceeding your session, to upload your presentation on the computer in the lecture room. One of the conference hosts will assist you. In case of technical issues one of the venue technicians can be summoned.

Please identify yourself to the session chairperson before the session begins. Follow the instructions of the chairperson regarding the time for your talk. The chairs are responsible for disposing time and may have to terminate your presentation if you exceed your time. In the case of a cancelled presentation, please keep the original time schedule anyways, with regard to those in the audience who want to cross between sessions and presentations.

Please note that we prefer that presentations are not simply read aloud from a text. It can be better to present major points and results of the work than a rushed presentation with too many slides. Also,  time for questions and reflections from the audience may be a valuable part of a conference presentation.

Powerpoint presentation
Bring your PowerPoint, preferably on a USB stick or harddrive, and please ensure that all data is embedded in the presentation (e.g. video files, extra fonts, special graphs/drawings/pictures).

Preparation of your presentation
PowerPoint format is broad 16:9

Use large, legible letters.
Avoid commercial reference and advertising of products.


Please make sure that you show up in the lecture room in one of the breaks preceeding your session, to upload your presentation on the computer in the lecture room. One of the conference hosts will assist you. In case of technical issues one of the venue technicians can be summoned.

Please make sure that you start and finish on time. In each lecture room a conference host will be present. If you wish to be introduced, please ask the conference host to introduce you.

In case of a cancelled presentation in a session, please keep the original time schedule anyways, with regard to those in the audience who want to cross between sessions and presentations.

Make sure that the workshop is an interactive session, not just a lecture. The attendees expect to participate actively, so be prepared to encourage discussion and interaction.

Powerpoint presentation
Bring your PowerPoint, preferably on a USB stick or harddrive, and please ensure that all data is embedded in the presentation (e.g. video files, extra fonts, special graphs/drawings/pictures).

Preparation of your presentation
PowerPoint format is broad 16:9

Use large, legible letters.
Avoid commercial reference and advertising of products.


Poster format is A0 vertical/portrait (841x 1189 mm). Please note that horizontal/landscape format is not compatible with our poster-boards.

Posters will be on display during the whole conference. Set-up can be done from Wednesday morning at 8:00 and has to be removed before the end of the conference. Any posters remaining after the congress may be disposed. PEVoC 2019 and its staff are not responsible for packing, removing or shipping your poster. If you have to leave before your dismantling time, please designate a colleague to be responsible for removing your poster.

Pins for mantling will be available.               

In addition, there will be a dedicated session on Thursday 13:30 -14:25 where all poster authors should be available at their posters for discussions and questions.

Preparing your poster

  • All posters have to be in English.
  • Poster title should be identical to the title of the accepted abstract.
  • Please organise your poster with: Introduction/background – Objective/Methods – Results – Conclusions
  • Keep all elements of your poster simple (pictures, tables, graphics, drawings, photos).

To encourage the quality of posters, the best poster will be awarded by the prestigeous Gunnar Rugheimer Prize.

Neither PEVoC 2019 nor the conference venue is responsible for any loss or damage of your poster or can be held liable for injuries to persons or damage to property owned by the poster presenter.