
July 11, 2019: Preliminary Programme is now available >


July 2019

Another exciting event at PEVoC 2019: Masterclass with Brian Gill!

Brian Gill is Associate Professor of Voice and Voice Pedagogy in the Jacobs School of Music at Indiana University, USA, and owner of Mindful Voice Production, LLC. He has lectured and taught masterclasses throughout the world and has students performing in many of the world’s top venues in multiple genres of music. Dr Gill describes that his life goal is to aid in establishing a clearer union between voice science and practical application. This masterclass will highlight some of his approach to voice training and will demonstrate greater specificity regarding tools that help elicit positive changes in voice production and performance.

The masterclass is scheduled for Thursday August 29th, at 2.30 pm to 3.30 pm, and it is included in the conference registration fee. Don’t miss this great event of PEVoC 2019!

Brian Gill


June 2019

Bundesverband Deutscher Gesangpädagogen (BDG) will award their members 18 continuing education credits for participation in PEVoC 2019.

Two unique medical workshops will be part of the Pan-European Voice Conference in Copenhagen. These are scheduled for Friday August 30th, at 11 am to 12.30 pm (2 x 45 min). No separate registration is required for attendance of the workshops, but regular conference registration is needed. All workshops are included in the conference registration fee.

1. Tips & Tricks in Endoscopy: Susanne Fleischer, Deutsche Stimmklinik

In this workshop, handling of rigid and flexible endoscopes are explained. Tips and tricks in office-based laryngoscopy are shown using a simulation set-up for hands-on work.

2. Phonosurgery: Hands-on instrument demonstration: Markus Hess, Deutsche Stimmklinik

In this workshop, techniques of phonosurgery and videos of typical surgical procedures are demonstrated and to some extent, the participants can handle different instruments for procedures like injections, biopsies, excisions or laser-surgery.

Medical Voice Center